About Us

The story of bacefly.com began with a group of friends who loved designing and creating unique pieces of home decor. They began creating beautiful wooden board installations that were completely customized to their clients’ requests. The friends were passionate about their craft and quickly gained a reputation for their beautiful creations.

As demand for their work increased, the friends realized that they had a thriving business on their hands. They decided to create bacefly.com as a way to showcase their work and offer their unique designs to a wider audience.

Bacefly.com quickly gained a following among those looking for personalized wooden board installations. Their custom designs allowed customers to choose the perfect sizing and finishing touches to fit their spaces perfectly. The demand for their work grew, and the team at bacefly.com continued to refine and perfect their craft.

With a focus on quality craftsmanship and personalized touches, bacefly.com became known for creating one-of-a-kind wooden board installations that could completely transform a room. Whether customers were looking to create a stunning centerpiece above their fireplace or wanted to add a unique statement piece to their living room, the team at bacefly.com was always ready to bring their vision to life.

As the business grew, the team at bacefly.com began to expand their offerings. While wooden installations remained their bread and butter, they also began to offer a range of other personalized home decor items, such as custom picture frames and personalized leather coasters.

The heart and soul of bacefly.com has always been their passion for creating beautiful, personalized pieces that bring a touch of joy and personality to any space. Today, they continue to inspire and delight their customers, one bespoke wooden board installation at a time.